__init__.py 1.51 KB
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Version     : Python 3.11.4
# @Software    : Sublime Text 4
# @Author      : StudentCWZ
# @Email       : StudentCWZ@outlook.com
# @Date        : 2023/10/28 12:11
# @File        : __init__.py
# @Description :

import os

from flask import Flask

from application.extensions import init_plugs
from application.views import init_views
from application.script import init_script
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from application.common import global_config as gc
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def create_app() -> Flask:
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    This function creates and initializes a new Flask application.
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    :return: A new instance of a Flask application.

    # Determine the path of the application root directory
    app_root_path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "."))

    # Create a new Flask application instance
    app = Flask(app_root_path)

    # Initialize various plugins for the application.
    # This could include things like database connectors, authentication systems, etc.
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    # Set universal config
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    # 将 app.config 的内容复制到全局对象
    gc.config = app.config.copy()
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    # Register the routes that this application will respond to.
    # This includes both the route URLs and the handlers for each route.
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    # Register any scripts or commands that can be run from the command line.
    # This could include data migration scripts, administrative tasks, etc.
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    # Return the fully initialized Flask application
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    return app