apscheduler.py 866 Bytes
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Version     : Python 3.11.4
# @Software    : Sublime Text 4
# @Author      : StudentCWZ
# @Email       : StudentCWZ@outlook.com
# @Date        : 2023/11/11 15:15
# @File        : apscheduler.py
# @Description :

from flask_apscheduler import APScheduler as BaseAPScheduler

class APScheduler(BaseAPScheduler):
    A custom APScheduler with context management.
    This allows the scheduler to work with Flask's application context,
    which is necessary for tasks that interact with the database.

    def run_job(self, _id, _job=None):
        Run a job with Flask's application context.

        :param _id: The ID of the job to run.
        :param _job: The job store alias.
        with self.app.app_context():
            super().run_job(id=_id, jobstore=_job)