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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Version     : Python 3.11.4
# @Software    : Sublime Text 4
# @Author      : StudentCWZ
# @Email       :
# @Date        : 2023/10/29 11:21
# @File        :
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# @Description : Defines the initial command line interface for the Flask application.
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# Import third-party modules
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import click
from flask.cli import with_appcontext

def init():
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    Initialize the application by creating a new log entry.

    This command is to be used with the Flask application context.
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    from application.extensions.init_sqlalchemy import db

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    # Uncomment below lines to create a new log entry.
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29 30 31 32
    # click.echo("create log")
    # db.session.add(user)
    # db.session.commit()
    # click.echo("created log")