Commit 21734a2e authored by 崔为之's avatar 崔为之 💪🏽

Update project

parent 1b65ae3e
......@@ -11,3 +11,4 @@
from .user import UserDao
from .log import LogDao
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Version : Python 3.11.4
# @Software : Sublime Text 4
# @Author : StudentCWZ
# @Email :
# @Date : 2023/11/20 09:57
# @File :
# @Description :
from loguru import logger
from application.utils import ElasticsearchUtil
from application.libs.helper import MySQLHelper
from application.utils import ParseUtil
from application.models import Log
class LogDao:
Data Access Object for logs.
This class includes methods to get data from Elasticsearch, process it and save it to MySQL.
def get_data_from_es(cls, index=None, dsl=None, sid=None) -> dict:
Get data from Elasticsearch by either scroll searching or direct searching.
index (str): The name of the Elasticsearch index.
dsl (dict): The DSL query for Elasticsearch.
sid (str): The scroll id for Elasticsearch scroll search.
dict: The data returned from Elasticsearch.
SystemError: If none of the required parameters are provided.
if sid is not None:
return ElasticsearchUtil.scroll_search(sid)
elif index is not None and dsl is not None:
return, dsl)
raise SystemError('Could not get data from Elasticsearch')
def get_mdata(cls, data: dict) -> list:
Get metadata from the data returned by Elasticsearch.
data (dict): The data returned from Elasticsearch.
list: The metadata extracted from the data.
SystemError: If the metadata is empty.
mdata = data.get('hits').get('hits')
if not mdata:
logger.error('the mdata is an empty list ...')
raise SystemError('the mdata is an empty list ...')
return mdata
def get_intent_from_mysql(cls, sql: str, cfg: dict) -> list:
Get the intent mapping from MySQL using the provided SQL.
sql (str): The SQL query to execute.
cfg (dict): The configuration for MySQL.
list: The intent mapping list.
with MySQLHelper(**cfg) as helper:
result = helper.execute(sql)
mapping_list = [item[0] for item in result]
return mapping_list
def process_and_save_data(cls, lst: list, mapping_list: list):
Process the given list using the mapping list and save the result to the database.
lst (list): The list to process.
mapping_list (list): The mapping list to use for processing.
if not lst:
result_generator = ParseUtil(mapping_list=mapping_list).filter(lst)
_ = Log.batch_save(result_generator)
def parse(cls, start: str, end: str, index: str, sql: str, cfg: dict) -> int:
Parse logs from Elasticsearch and save them to MySQL.
start (str): The start date for the logs.
end (str): The end date for the logs.
index (str): The Elasticsearch index to get logs from.
sql (str): The SQL query to get the intent mapping from MySQL.
cfg (dict): The configuration for MySQL.
int: The total number of logs parsed.
SystemError: If there is an error during the process.
# Get the DSL for the given start and end dates.
dsl = ElasticsearchUtil.dsl(start, end)
# Get data from Elasticsearch.
data = cls.get_data_from_es(index=index, dsl=dsl)
# Extract metadata from the data.
mdata = cls.get_mdata(data)
# Get the total number of logs.
total = data.get('hits').get('total').get('value')
logger.debug(f'The numbers of data by searching data from ES: {total}')
# Log the start of the searching and saving process.
logger.debug('The data is inserting ...')
# Get the intent mapping from MySQL.
mapping_list = cls.get_intent_from_mysql(sql, cfg)
# Process and save the metadata.
cls.process_and_save_data(mdata, mapping_list)
# Get the scroll id for scroll searching in Elasticsearch.
scroll_id = data.get('_scroll_id')
for _ in range(0, int(total / dsl.get('size', 10000) + 1)):
# Get more data from Elasticsearch using scroll searching.
res = cls.get_data_from_es(sid=scroll_id)
lst = res.get('hits').get('hits')
if not lst:
# Process and save the data.
cls.process_and_save_data(lst, mapping_list)
except Exception as e:
# Log the error and raise a SystemError.
logger.error(f'The error: {e}')
raise SystemError()
# Log the success of the process.
logger.debug('The process of inserting data succeed!')
# Log the end of the process.
logger.debug('The inserting of the data finished!')
return total
......@@ -10,24 +10,48 @@
# @Description :
from flask import current_app
from loguru import logger
from application.utils import ElasticsearchUtil
from application.libs.helper import MySQLHelper
from application.utils import ParseUtil
from application.models import Log
from application.dao import LogDao
from application.schemas import ParseLogRequestItem
class LogService:
def parse(cls, item) -> int:
def parse(cls, item: ParseLogRequestItem) -> int:
Parse logs from Elasticsearch and process them according to the configured SQL commands.
item: The item containing the start and end dates for which logs are to be parsed.
The result of the log parsing as an integer.
SystemError: If there is an issue with the process.
# Retrieve the start and end date from the given item.
start_date = item.start
end_date = item.end
es_index = current_app.config.Elasticsearch.Index
# Log the time interval for debugging purposes.
logger.debug(f'The interval of time is between {start_date} and {end_date}...')
# Retrieve the Elasticsearch index from the current application's configuration.
index = current_app.config.Elasticsearch.Index
# Retrieve the MySQL configuration from the current application's configuration.
mysql_config = current_app.config.ExtraDB
# Retrieve the SQL to be executed from the MySQL configuration.
sql = mysql_config.Sql
# Construct a configuration dictionary for the MySQL database.
cfg = {
'host': mysql_config.Host,
'user': mysql_config.User,
......@@ -35,44 +59,6 @@ class LogService:
'db': mysql_config.DB,
'port': mysql_config.Port,
f'The interval of time is between {start_date} and {end_date} ...')
dsl = ElasticsearchUtil.dsl(start_date, end_date, size=2500)
data =, dsl)
# 获取 mdata
mdata = data.get('hits').get('hits')
if not mdata:
logger.error('the mdata is an empty list ...')
raise SystemError('the mdata is an empty list ...')
# 获取 total
total = data.get('hits').get('total').get('value')
logger.debug(f'The numbers of data by searching data from ES: {total}')
with MySQLHelper(**cfg) as helper:
result = helper.execute(sql)
mapping_list = [item[0] for item in result]
result = ParseUtil(mapping_list=mapping_list).filter(mdata)
logger.debug('The first part of data is inserting ...')
_ = Log.batch_save(result)
logger.debug('The inserting of the first part data finished!')
logger.debug('The scrolling part of data is inserting ...')
# 获取 scroll_id
scroll_id = data.get('_scroll_id')
for _ in range(0, int(total / dsl.get('size', 10000) + 1)):
res = ElasticsearchUtil.scroll_search(scroll_id)
lst = res.get('hits').get('hits')
if not lst:
result_generator = ParseUtil(
_ = Log.batch_save(result_generator)
except Exception as e:
# 输出 log 信息
logger.error(f'The error: {e}')
raise SystemError()
logger.debug('The process of inserting scrolling part data succeed!')
logger.debug('The inserting of the scrolling part data finished!')
return total
# Parse the logs using the LogDao class and return the result.
return LogDao.parse(start_date, end_date, index, sql, cfg)
......@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@
# @Description :
from flask import Blueprint, request, jsonify
from flask import Blueprint, current_app, request, jsonify
from flask_restful import Api
from loguru import logger
from pydantic import ValidationError
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