Commit 4e2dfd87 authored by 崔为之's avatar 崔为之 💪🏽

Update project

parent e520934a
......@@ -73,29 +73,42 @@ class FlaskElasticsearch:
return getattr(ctx.elasticsearch, item)
def _get_config():
"""Retrieves Elasticsearch configuration from the current Flask application context."""
def get_es_config() -> dict:
"""Get Elasticsearch configuration from the current Flask application context."""
with current_app.app_context():
if current_app:
config_helper = ConfigHelper(current_app)
cfg = config_helper.Elasticsearch
host = cfg.Host or 'localhost'
port = int(cfg.Port) or 9200
user = cfg.User or None
password = cfg.Password or None
use_ssl = cfg.UseSsl == 'True' or False
verify_certs = cfg.VerifyCerts == 'False'
ca_certs = cfg.CaCerts or None
options = dict(
hosts=[{'host': host, 'port': port}],
http_auth=None if not user else (user, password),
return options
return config_helper.Elasticsearch
logger.error('Attempted to access application configuration outside of application context.')
raise RuntimeError('Attempted to access application configuration outside of application context.')
def build_es_options(cfg) -> dict:
Build Elasticsearch connection options from the configuration.
:param cfg: Elasticsearch's configuration from the Flask application context.
host = cfg.get('Host', 'localhost')
port = int(cfg.get('Port', 9200))
user = cfg.get('User')
password = cfg.get('Password')
use_ssl = cfg.get('UseSsl', 'False') == 'True'
verify_certs = cfg.get('VerifyCerts', 'False') == 'True'
ca_certs = cfg.get('CaCerts')
options = {
'hosts': [{'host': host, 'port': port}],
'http_auth': (user, password) if user and password else None,
'use_ssl': use_ssl,
'verify_certs': verify_certs,
'ca_certs': ca_certs
return options
def _get_config(self) -> dict:
"""Combines getting Elasticsearch configuration and building options."""
cfg = self.get_es_config()
return self.build_es_options(cfg)
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