elasticsearch.py 3.95 KB
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# @Version     : Python 3.11.4
# @Software    : Sublime Text 4
# @Author      : StudentCWZ
# @Email       : StudentCWZ@outlook.com
# @Date        : 2023/10/28 12:19
# @File        : elasticsearch.py
# @Description :

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import time
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from typing import Any

from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
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from flask import Flask
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from flask import _app_ctx_stack as stack_context
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from flask_elasticsearch import FlaskElasticsearch as BaseFlaskElasticsearch
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20 21
from loguru import logger

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from application.libs.helper import ConfigHelper
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class FlaskElasticsearch(BaseFlaskElasticsearch):
    def __init__(self, app=None, **kwargs):
        Initializes a FlaskElasticsearch instance.
        :param app: Flask app instance for Elasticsearch initialization.
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        self.extra_options = None
        super().__init__(app, **kwargs)
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    def init_app(self, app: Flask, **kwargs) -> None:
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        Initialize the app with Elasticsearch connection.

        :param app: Flask application instance for Elasticsearch initialization.
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        self.extra_options = kwargs

        # Use the new_style teardown_appcontext if it's available,
        # otherwise fall back to the request context
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        if hasattr(app, 'teardown_appcontext'):
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    def __getattr__(self, item: Any) -> Any:
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        Lazy initialization of Elasticsearch connection on first use.

        :param item: Attribute to get from the Elasticsearch connection.
        :return: Value of the requested attribute.
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        ctx = stack_context.top
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        if ctx is not None:
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            if not hasattr(ctx, 'elasticsearch'):
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                cfg = self._get_config(ctx.app)
                ctx.elasticsearch = Elasticsearch(**cfg, **self.extra_options)
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                # Retry connection on failure
                for i in range(5):  # Retry up to 5 times
                    if ctx.elasticsearch.ping():
                        logger.warning(f'Attempt {i + 1} to connect to Elasticsearch failed. Retrying...')
                        time.sleep(2 ** i)  # Exponential backoff
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                    logger.error('Can not connect to Elasticsearch after 5 attempts')
                    raise ConnectionError('Can not connect to Elasticsearch after 5 attempts')
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            return getattr(ctx.elasticsearch, item)

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    def get_es_config(app: Flask) -> dict:
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        """Get Elasticsearch configuration from the current Flask application context."""
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        config_helper = ConfigHelper(app)
        return config_helper.Elasticsearch
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    def build_es_options(cfg) -> dict:
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        Builds Elasticsearch connection options from the configuration.
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        :param cfg: Elasticsearch's configuration from the Flask application context.
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        :return: Elasticsearch's connection options dictionary.
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        host = cfg.get('Host', 'localhost')
        port = int(cfg.get('Port', 9200))
        user = cfg.get('User')
        password = cfg.get('Password')
        use_ssl = cfg.get('UseSsl', 'False') == 'True'
        verify_certs = cfg.get('VerifyCerts', 'False') == 'True'
        ca_certs = cfg.get('CaCerts')

        options = {
            'hosts': [{'host': host, 'port': port}],
            'http_auth': (user, password) if user and password else None,
            'use_ssl': use_ssl,
            'verify_certs': verify_certs,
            'ca_certs': ca_certs

        return options

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    def _get_config(self, app: Flask) -> dict:
        Combines getting Elasticsearch configuration and building options.
        :param app: Flask app instance.
        :return: Elasticsearch's connection options dictionary.
        cfg = self.get_es_config(app)
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        return self.build_es_options(cfg)